The H2H Network continues to grow: Welcoming the Centre of Competence on Humanitarian Negotiation (CCHN)

We are excited to announce the newest addition to the H2H Network, the Centre of Competence on Humanitarian Negotiation (CCHN). Facilitating the capture, analysis, and sharing of experiences and practices around humanitarian negotiation and providing a space for dialogue across organizations, CCHN was born out of the realization that accessing and assisting people in crises largely relies on the negotiation capacity of humanitarian workers.
The H2H Network’s Executive Director Kim Scriven said: “We are very pleased to welcome CCHN as our newest H2H Member. By fostering a community of humanitarian practitioners engaged in critical frontline negotiations, CCHN is enabling the provision of humanitarian aid to crisis-affected populations in even the most challenging of contexts, securing access and promoting the safety of aid workers. This vital H2H service is increasingly important in the sector, and we’re delighted to have CCHN join the H2H Network and promote their important work.”
Founded in 2016, CCHN is a joint initiative of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Médecins Sans Frontières Switzerland, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and the United Nations World Food Programme.
CCHN’s Director Joëlle Germanier said: “We are excited to join a global and thriving community such as the H2H Network. At the Centre of Competence on Humanitarian Negotiation, we bring together humanitarians from different backgrounds, contexts and agencies to help them scale up their negotiation capacity, collect practices, and foster a more collaborative humanitarian sector. We look forward to connecting with like-minded organizations and benefiting from the rich exchanges of being an H2H Member”.
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