Update: Nagorno-Karabakh needs assessment available

Fleeing family from Aragatsotn Oct 20.jpeg

Update: Nagorno-Karabakh, first assessment available

24 November 2020: ACAPS updated short note is now available to inform humanitarian planning and resource allocation.

The H2H Network activated its fund in response to a growing humanitarian emergency in the region of Nagorno-Karabakh. Two member agencies who specialize in assessments (Impact Initiatives/ REACH and ACAPS) will focus on collecting information on the needs of displaced people, aiming to inform and strengthen the wider humanitarian response. Projects start on 1 November and close on 31 December 2020.

For further information on the package and available services, see the Service Matrix and Flyer.

(Photo: People in Need, "Fleeing family from Aragotsotn, October 2020)