New H2H Network support services freely available for the humanitarian community in Myanmar

Myanmar photo

The H2H Network is activating its fund to support the deteriorating humanitarian crisis in Myanmar. In response to the recent escalation of the conflict, the network is allocating 452K CHF to enable six H2H Members to support humanitarian actors in assisting affected populations. These services aim to enhance humanitarian effectiveness by addressing information-related protection risks, improving communication with affected communities (especially Persons With Disabilities), disseminating timely information and preventing violence against healthcare facilities through data analysis and sharing.

Since October 2023, Myanmar has experienced a dramatic intensification of conflict, driven by a collection of armed groups’ offensive against the Myanmar military junta, resulting in severe humanitarian consequences. Millions have been displaced, food insecurity is worsening, and access to essential services has become severely constrained. The humanitarian response is critically underfunded, and only a fraction of the population in need are currently receiving assistance. The conflict, with attacks against humanitarian actors and restricted aid delivery by the Myanmar military junta, has severely hampered the ability of humanitarian organizations to deliver assistance at scale.

To improve the humanitarian response, based on consultations with humanitarian actors in Myanmar, the following gaps need to be addressed:

  • Security and Information Sharing: Support secure platforms for sharing security incident data, fostering collective risk management.
  • Data Collection and Reporting: Employ innovative data collection techniques and provide external reporting suited to hard-to-reach areas on sensitive issues, too risky for local actors to report on.
  • Community Engagement and Accountability: Enhance local NGOs' communication efforts with the affected population and leverage social media for better feedback integration.
  • Global Awareness: Raise the profile of the crisis in Myanmar and showcase civil society's humanitarian efforts through strategic media and reporting initiatives.

To meet these needs and strengthen the humanitarian response, six H2H Members will develop the following four projects:

  • Safe Voices: Internews, The New Humanitarian and CLEAR Global will work to improve humanitarian capacity in identifying and addressing information-related protection risks, including misinformation, while fostering collaboration between media and humanitarian actors.
  • Responsive Engagement and Accountability for Community Humanitarian Needs: BBC Media Action will enhance the effectiveness and accountability of the humanitarian response in Myanmar through communication that focuses on the needs of affected communities, especially persons with disabilities (PWDs).
  • Remote Sensing Damage Assessments: IMPACT Initiatives will strengthen the humanitarian response by disseminating timely information about the on-ground situation to enhance stakeholders’ understanding of the context.
  • Enhancing Health Service Security: Insecurity Insight will prevent and mitigate violence against healthcare by analyzing and sharing security incident data.

By adopting these projects, humanitarian responders in Myanmar can better address security concerns, improve communication with affected populations and elevate the visibility of Myanmar’s crisis. Thus, this funding is aimed at enhancing the quality and effectiveness of the humanitarian response in Myanmar, while collectively working towards alleviating the suffering of those affected by the conflict.

Stay informed and access project updates as the fund activation progresses here ->

This H2H Fund allocation is supported by UK aid – from the British people.