Earthquake in Haiti: resources from H2H organizations

A 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck southwestern Haiti on 14 August at 8:30 am local time. As of 18 August, the latest tolls have risen to more than 2,100 dead and more than 9,900 people injured. (UN OCHA) According to Haitian Civil Protection, more than 37,300 homes have been destroyed and 46,000 have sustained damages. This earthquake is less catastrophic than that of 2010 which left more than 300,000 people dead and 1.5 million others injured, but its impact is devastating. (UN OCHA)
On 17 August, the H2H Network activated its fund, issuing a call for proposals for members' specialized services. H2H (humanitarian-to-humanitarian) services will build on local capacities, knowledge, and expertise. As part of the funded package, services are freely available to all responders.
On this page, we collate resources and tools developed by H2H Network members inside and outside the context of the H2H Haiti support package. We're updating the page with resources continuously.
Insecurity Insight: Haiti situation reports - 30 Septembre, 2021
In the context of the H2H Haiti support package, Insecurity Insight is supporting aid agencies’ strategic security decision-making on operations in Haiti with predictive situation analysis to support, enabling better access to beneficiaries. Forthcoming reports will be published on this page. You can also sign up for their newsletter to receive forthcoming editions to your inbox.
Haiti: Situation Report - 30 September 2021
Haïti : Rapport de situation de Vigil Insight
MapAction: resources for the Haiti Earthquake
MapAction is working closely with UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) and the OCHA Assessment & Analysis Cell on data collection, mapping and other data visualizations -- resources are available for all humanitarian responders on MapAction's website. Maps will continue to be developed and added to the Mapping and Data Repository over the coming weeks.
DEEP: The humanitarian secondary data review & analysis platform
DEEP (Data Entry and Exploration Platform) is a tool for collaborative secondary data review and analysis that replaces what is often an Excel-based process. It is a platform built with AI in mind to centralize, accelerate, and strengthen inter-agency response to humanitarian crises at national and field levels. This free, open source tool was developed by field responders in the wake of the devastating 2015 Nepal earthquakes, and has since become a go-to resource for leading global humanitarian organizations, including UNHCR, UNICEF, UN OCHA, and the IFRC.
Today, DEEP hosts the largest analysis framework repository in the international humanitarian sector, hosting more than 85,000 carefully annotated response documents and connecting more than 3,000 expert users worldwide. DEEP is developed and hosted by Data Friendly Space.
In the context of the humanitarian response to the Haiti earthquake, DEEP could be useful to support protection monitoring, situation/risk analysis and participatory assessments. If you have any questions on how to use DEEP or would like a demo for your organization, please contact
ACAPS: Special reports
HAITI: EARTHQUAKE (16 August 2021)
Evidence Aid: evidence collection on earthquakes
Evidence Aid, with the help of students from McMaster University, has recently developed plain-language summaries of high-quality research related to earthquakes. The evidence collection was first published in June 2021 and is updated continuously.
RedR UK: Urban Competency Framework
RedR UK's Urban Competency Framework (UCF) provides an overview of the minimum standards of competency required for effective humanitarian responses in urban crisis settings. It "includes both the guidelines to soliciting the support of non-humanitarian professionals and the competency standards required of humanitarian actors deployed to urban crises settings." (RedR UK)
RedR UK also has training programmes on urban humanitarianism -- if interested, don't hesitate to get in touch with them at:
The UCF has been produced by RedR UK on behalf of the Global Alliance for Urban Crises (GAUC) through funding provided to the International Rescue Committee from EU Humanitarian Aid (ECHO).
CDAC Network: tools and resources to ensure communication, community engagement and accountability (CCEA) in emergency response plan
The CDAC Network has just launched a new webpage dedicated to supporting responders working in the context of the Afghan and Haitian crises. This space provides a library of tools and resources developed by the CDAC Network, its members and partners to ensure communication, community engagement and accountability are embedded in the emergency response plans.
If you need something specific, please email them at:
H2H Network: smart response in a complex crisis
In April 2020, amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, Tropical Cyclone Harold struck the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji, and Tonga, leaving a trail of devastation. Vanuatu was the hardest hit of the four Pacific Island nations, where the cyclone made landfall on 6 April 2020 on Espiritu Santo Island as a Category 5 storm (OCHA). The cyclone directly affected more than 160,000 people, approximately half of Vanuatu’s total population (OCHA).
Two H2H Network member organizations, CDAC Network and Field Ready, already present in Vanuatu, responded immediately and provided support to the ongoing, locally-led response.
Lessons learned and response mechanisms can be helpful in the context of the response to the recent earthquake in Haiti.
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