H2H Network package of humanitarian support services: Conflict in Sudan

In response to the continuous humanitarian crisis in Sudan, the H2H Network has reactivated the H2H Fund. The funding enables its members to fill gaps and support the humanitarian response system in better assisting the affected people.

Eight H2H Members will provide services addressing real-time monitoring and rapid assessment of needs, access to information, effective communication and accountability to affected communities.

The New Humanitarian Hafiz Haroun
Data Friendly Space: Strengthen humanitarian planning and decision-making by bridging the information and analysis gap

Network member

Data Friendly Space

Humanitarian service

Data, information management and analysis


Bridging the information and analysis gap by providing real-time, localized, and verifiable data through the GANNET-powered media monitoring dashboard, to enhance decision-making and the effectiveness of the humanitarian responses. GANNET is a tool that leverages Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Generative AI to offer comprehensive media monitoring, analytics, and visualization.


- Real-time, verifiable information from various media sources, aiding quick decision-making and situational awareness.

- Detailed, relevant information, including summaries, updates, trends, and risk indicators to support local responders.

- Tailored analysis support, including data triangulation, secondary data review, mentoring and analysis of the humanitarian data landscape.

- Customized training on data collection, collation, and analysis processes including the effective use of the GANNET dashboard and tools.

- Automated data processing delivers instant updates, enabling continuous monitoring and quick response to emerging issues.


James Sparkes, Senior Analyst james@datafriendlyspace.org

Resource links

Sudan Situational Analysis

CDAC Network: Enhancing participation and improve information flow

Network member

CDAC Network

Humanitarian service

Community engagement and accountability


Enhancing participation and improving information flow between local and diaspora groups, and the humanitarian coordination structures.


- Stakeholder consultations, based on the existing mapping of local and diaspora groups, to enable targeted identification of critical networks, key actors and gaps within the information ecosystem

- Development of a network of individuals within local and diaspora groups who can serve as information liaisons with international response coordination structures. Mentoring of these individuals to enhance their capacity to collect, collate and analyze situational information, combined with support and advice to coordination fora leads on how to lower the barriers for engagement of local actors.

- Recommendations for approaches to regularly transmit collated data and key messages into international coordination structures; and to analyze and transmit relevant information back.


Liz Hendry, Programme Lead, liz.hendry@cdacnetwork.org

Resource links


Ground Truth Solutions: Meeting information needs of the Sudanese community

Network member

Ground Truth Solutions

Humanitarian service

Community engagement and accountability


Informing and improving the humanitarian emergency response by ensuring that humanitarian actors understand people’s perceptions and needs. Will provide data about communities’ perception available to humanitarian actors, to enable them to advocate for greater support and demonstrate the reach of their work.


- Consultations with responders and local actors in Sudan to identify the information gaps, study sample and methodology.

- Collection and analysis of perception data from communities in affected areas through quantitative surveys and discussions across different community groups to capture their priorities and concerns.

- Presentation of the data with humanitarian actors, local civil society, and affected communities to produce actionable recommendations.

- Dissemination of bulletin reports on community perceptions, making them available in both English and Arabic.


Anja Piskur, Project Lead, anja@groundtruthsolutions.org

Resource links


IMPACT Initiatives: Informing emergency prioritization in Sudan

Network member

IMPACT Initiatives

Humanitarian service

Data, information management and analysis


Fostering an evidence-based response tailored to the needs of affected populations in Sudan through real-time updates on areas of concern, and rapid needs assessments.


- A pilot of an integrated needs monitoring system identifying and providing regular updates to humanitarians on areas of concern where the risk of preventable loss of lives appears to be the highest. This will be in coordination with the Assessment and Analysis Working Group.

- Rapid needs assessments, providing an in-depth understanding of needs in hotspot locations identified through the monitoring system.

- Dissemination of the rapid needs assessments’ findings to key decision makers.


Jack Berger, Sudan Country Representative, jack.berger@impact-initiatives.org

Resource links


RedR UK and Humanitarian Academy for Development: Capacity development needs for local actors

Network member

Humanitarian Academy for Development (HAD)

Humanitarian service

Quality and sector professionalization


Addressing comprehensive capacity development needs – institutional and individual – of local actors in Sudan's crisis response.


- Learning Needs Assessment report, outlining key capacity gaps and learning needs in the crisis response.

- Institutional Capacity Strengthening to local aid organizations (e.g. NNGOs/CSOs) through face-to-face trainings and coaching/mentoring.

- Individual Capacity Building of individual humanitarian responders (e.g., ERR volunteers, NNGO staff), through delivering online trainings and Training of Trainers (ToT) sessions.


- Mohammed Bashein, RedRUK Programmes Coordinator, mohammed.bashein@redr.org.uk

- Alexander Simpson, HAD Programmes Coordinator, alexander.simpson@had-int.org

Internews: Data-driven, real-time community feedback

Network member


Humanitarian service

Community engagement and accountability


Provide humanitarian stakeholders with data-driven, real-time community feedback and improve the sustainability of Accountability to Affected Population (AAP)


- Social media listening as well as in person social listening to collect community feedback.

- Analysis of community feedback, and dissemination of findings to humanitarian stakeholders through flash reports, presentations, and one-on-one data provision upon request.

- Roundtables with local media and humanitarian actors to build relationships that will support stronger AAP efforts in the response.


Emily Cowlrick, Consultant Manager,


Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team: Improving spatial data on neighborhood boundaries and roads

Network member

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)

Humanitarian service

Community engagement and accountability


Improving spatial data on neighborhood boundaries and roads in Khartoum and other conflict-impacted areas by establishing a responsible process to work with local communities, within the diaspora and in Sudan.


- Production of complete open spatial dataset for roads, populated locations, and local area boundaries datasets.

- Participatory mapping involving individuals who can input local knowledge of Sudanese geography.


Jessie Pechmann, Global GIS Manager, jessie.pechmann@hotosm.org

Resource links
