H2H Network package of humanitarian support services: Conflict in Myanmar

Myanmar photo

In response to the recent escalation of the conflict in Myanmar, the network is funding six H2H Members to support humanitarian actors in assisting affected populations through four projects. These projects aim to enhance humanitarian effectiveness by addressing information-related protection risks, improving communication with affected communities, disseminating timely information, and preventing violence against healthcare facilities through data analysis and sharing.

BBC Media Action: Responsive Engagement and Accountability for Community Humanitarian Needs

Network member

BBC Media Action

Humanitarian service

Community engagement and accountability


Improve the use of needs-driven and responsive communication with affected communities, with a particular focus on persons with disabilities (PWDs).


- Community Needs Assessment Report: Through the local organization MILI, the results of social listening and surveys across 12 states in Myanmar will gather insights on the needs of PWDs in conflict zones to fill gaps in data. The findings will be shared in reports and short presentations to help aid agencies adapt their services.

- Communicating with Communities (CwC) Mapping and Recommendation Report: An assessment of how key sectors communicate with affected communities using media and remote tools, addressing the barriers to face-to-face communication in Myanmar. Sector-based recommendations and best practices will be shared through presentations or other relevant format(s).

- Capacity Strengthening: Specialized training for staff in the organization MILI on social listening and data collection, supported by tailored training materials. This will be adapted to the conflict-sensitive context of Myanmar to help MILI effectively monitor and respond to the needs of PWDs.

- Audio-Visual Content: At least 4 digital content pieces based on the community needs assessment findings, to raise awareness and advocacy for PWDs in Myanmar. These will be distributed via social media and other relevant platforms.


Yan Htaik Seng, Country Director, Htaik.seng@mm.bbcmediaaction.org

Resource links


Insecurity Insight: Enhancing Health Service Security

Network member

Insecurity Insight

Humanitarian service

Security, logistics and programme support


Increased prevention and mitigation of violence against healthcare facilities through analysis and sharing of security incidents.


- Incident reports published every two weeks on this page and updated incident data on HDX every Monday.

- Location-specific, granular trend analysis, highlighting specific concerns and suggesting measures for frontline health workers and aid agency partners wishing to support local health staff. These will be available via mailing list indicating ‘Myanmar’.

- Disseminated recommendations tailored to the concerns in Myanmar based on the Handbook for Security Risk Management for the health sector.

- Analysis of social media sentiments and attitudes, in partnership with Internews.


Christina Wille, Director, Christina.Wille@insecurityinsight.org

IMPACT Initiatives: Remote Sensing Damage Assessments

Network member

IMPACT Initiatives

Humanitarian service

Data, information management and analysis


Improve stakeholders’ contextual understanding, through the timely dissemination of information of the on-ground situation.


The joint project of IMPACT Initiative and UNOSA, REACH, will be conducting remote sensing damage analysis in crisis-affected areas, leading to humanitarian actors having access to:

- Structural damage analysis, including geospatial data of damaged structures.

- Damage assessment analysis summarized in maps, highlighting damage to shelters, infrastructure, the timing of damage and implications for displacement.

- Presentations of key findings of damage assessments at relevant coordination for a.

- A lessons learned report summarizing implementation experience.


Patrick Sayers, Country Representative, patrick.sayers@impact-initiatives.org

Resource links


Internews, The New Humanitarian and CLEAR Global: Safe Voices

Network member


Humanitarian service

Community engagement and accountability


Through the joint project Safe Voices (SV), improve the humanitarian capacity to identify, analyze and respond to information-related protection risks, including misinformation, and foster stronger relationships between media and humanitarian actors.


- Tailored training, tools and technical support to help protection actors, as well as other humanitarian actors, address information threats. This project will provide virtual webinars, bilateral support to the protection cluster, a toolkit and an online learning programme.

- Rapid mapping of the social media ecosystem and the development of an online training module for humanitarians that will be created in collaboration with the AAP Working Group to support actors' capacity to identify, analyze and respond to harmful misinformation.

- A collaborative forum bridging the significant engagement gap between local media, exiled media and humanitarian agencies supported by the AAP Working Group. A rapid needs assessment will inform the forum on the barriers and opportunities for stronger media and humanitarian engagement.

- Content series via The New Humanitarian platform that offers decision-makers insight into the multi-layered impacts of the crisis, analyzes and informs the humanitarian response, and communicates the needs, concerns and priorities of affected communities by sharing their stories and amplifying their voices.


Irene Scott, Humanitarian Director, irene.scott@internews.org