H2H Network package of humanitarian support services: Conflict in Lebanon

In response to the consequences of the conflict escalation in Lebanon, the H2H Network is funding eight H2H Members to provide essential services to strengthen the humanitarian response in the country. These services address critical needs in the aid delivery, including LGBTIQA+ inclusion, rapid needs assessments, damage mapping, and security management. The initiatives also target communication resilience, diaspora engagement, real-time data accessibility, and community-driven feedback to ensure an effective, inclusive, and accountable response.
Network member
Data Friendly SpaceHumanitarian service
Data, information management and analysisObjective
Enhance humanitarian response quality and accountability through access to real-time information and structured analysis by the Lebanon SituationHub, powered by GANNET, a generative AI platform for humanitarian collaboration and quick decision-making.
- The Lebanon SituationHub, purpose-built for this humanitarian context which integrates:
- Context-specific data with established humanitarian analysis frameworks (for operational settings, as well as sectoral analysis).
- Timely information through expert analysts, acting as “humans-in-the-loop” that curate data sources (incorporating trusted local sources) and refine outputs, ensuring reliable, timely information delivery.
- In-depth analytical products.
Helene Pelisson, Senior Analyst, helene@datafriendlyspace.org
Network member
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)Humanitarian service
Data, information management and analysisObjective
Fill data gaps on infrastructure mapping for humanitarian use cases. Providing a crowdsourced Building Footprints Dataset for more accurate damage datasets, and a user guide of open damage analyses conducted in Lebanon.
- Building Footprints Dataset, manually checked to ensure quality.
- Protection-dependent map, highlighting key infrastructure at risk of damage, including heritage sites, schools, and health facilities.
- Damage analysis user guide, an in-depth guide providing an overview of damage assessment methodologies, designed to help users understand data inputs and methodological considerations. The guide supports diverse applications, from advocacy efforts to operational planning.
Jessie Pechmann, Global GIS Manager, jessie.pechmann@hotosm.org
Network member
IMPACT InitiativesHumanitarian service
Data, information management and analysisObjective
Monitor humanitarian needs in conflict-affected and displaced areas to assess the impact on essential services, identify priority needs, and provide actionable insights for emergency planning and effective targeting of vulnerable populations.
- Data collection and assessments on displacement’s impact on access to services and multi-sectoral needs for IDP and non-displaced affected communities.
- Humanitarian Situation Monitoring in areas affected by conflict, focusing on the South, Nabbatieh, Beqaa and Baalbek-Hermel. It includes indicators on access, functionality and damage to critical services, as well as AAP indicators on priority needs and response effectiveness.
- Remote sensing analysis using high-resolution imagery, to be integrated into an analysis that contextualizes findings related to access to services.
Marta Piekarczyk, Research Manager, Marta.Piekarczyk@impact-initiatives.org
Network member
CDAC NetworkHumanitarian service
Community engagement and accountabilityObjective
Improving the humanitarian information ecosystem and enabling a more inclusive environment by strengthening existing local and diaspora networks. This aim to provide accurate and actionable information for crisis-affected communities, and humanitarian response actors.
- A snapshot report on the status of community engagement and accountability in Lebanon.
- Technical training to targeted actors on CCEA.
- Host country-level crisis calls on harmful information.
- Recommendations on countering misinformation, disinformation and hate.
Syma Jamil, Programme Coordinator, syma.jamil@cdacnetwork.org
Network member
DEMACHumanitarian service
Community engagement and accountabilityObjective
Improving the Lebanese diaspora's humanitarian response in Lebanon by enhancing coordination, communication, and capacity building among diaspora groups and humanitarian actors.
- Real-Time Review (RTR), a comprehensive review of the Lebanese diaspora’s current response, identifying gaps and opportunities for enhanced collaboration with local actors and humanitarian organizations.
- Diaspora Liaison Coordinator to facilitate communication and collaboration between the diaspora and local actors, ensuring a more coordinated response on the ground.
- Workshops and regular online meetings, to foster trust and collaboration among diaspora organizations and conduct regular online meetings to maintain ongoing communication and coordination.
- Capacity-building training sessions and sponsorships to diaspora groups, enhancing their skills in effective humanitarian response and supporting their participation in joint initiatives with local actors.
- Introducing RIMS (Referral Information Management System) for diaspora groups on how to use RIMS for accurate data entry and referrals, enabling real-time tracking of evolving needs in Lebanon.
Yaman Salam, Emergency Coordinator (Project Lead), Yaman.salam@drc.ngo
Network member
Edge EffectHumanitarian service
Community engagement and accountabilityObjective
Objective: Improving LGBTIQ+ inclusion in mainstreamed and targeted humanitarian initiatives by addressing the needs of LGBTIQ+ communities and identifying gaps in the response, while promoting equity and supporting local organizing.
- Technical guidance and advice for the inclusion of LGBTIQ+ communities within existing or upcoming interventions, through coordination with the LGBTIQ+ Task Force (TF)
- Communication materials, reports, and briefs pertaining to the needs and challenges of LGBTIQ+ individuals in Lebanon amid the crisis. This includes monthly sitreps and work on building a better understanding of LGBTIQ+ community-based response (CBR) and how CBR might interface with formal humanitarian response.
- Tools and other resources supporting TF members and non-members to ensure an inclusive accountability (AAP) process related to the Lebanon LGBTIQ+ community. This includes the production of a service-level diagnostic tool piloted with members of the TF and aligned with TF’s priorities.
- A rapid-response small grants programme (up to GBP2000 per grant) for LGBTIQ+ CSOs in Lebanon to address urgent, unforeseen humanitarian needs.
Ribal Maatouk, Programs Officer, ribalmaatouk@edgeeffect.org
Network member
The New HumanitarianHumanitarian service
Community engagement and accountabilityObjective
Informing humanitarian response measures to be more effective, inclusive, and accountable by addressing the needs of marginalized groups and amplifying their voices, while enabling feedback on response quality and impact.
- A dedicated page on TNH’s website will focus on the humanitarian impact of the Israel-Hezbollah conflict in Lebanon and the concept of listening, and gather the following reporting:
- A series of displacement diaries that profiles people who have been displaced by the violence in Lebanon, sharing their experience of what they have lost and what they need from the response, published in both English and Arabic.
- Reported content on the situation for affected populations and exploring the successes and gaps in the humanitarian response.
Annie Slemrod, Middle East Editor, annie@thenewhumanitarian.org
Emmeline Booth, External Relations Lead, emmeline@thenewhumanitarian.org
Network member
RedR UKHumanitarian service
Quality and sector professionalizationObjective
Empowering individual responders and organizations to provide safe, effective, and suitable support to the humanitarian crisis in Lebanon by building security management and personal safety capacity to local responders.
- Rapid Learning Needs Assessment report, translated into Arabic, published and available to responders, outlining key capacity gaps and learning needs in the Lebanon conflict response.
- Specialized training and coaching for local organization representatives in Security Management for Humanitarians.
- Complete short on-line facilitated training on Personal Security (Staying Effective) for responders in Lebanon.
Mohammed Bashein, Programmes Coordinator, mohammed.bashein@redr.org.uk
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