Previous H2H Fund activations

The network’s first coordinated technical service package was deployed in the Caribbean in 2017, supporting the humanitarian response to Hurricane Irma. In 2019, a core team was established to professionalize the network structure and administer the network’s new fund for members. Since then, the H2H Fund has been activated to support the humanitarian response over 20 times.

The H2H Network dashboard: Connecting humanitarian responders with high quality technical services

View all service packages developed to support specific humanitarian crises and search by location, timeframe, service category or organization. All services are funded by the H2H Network and freely available to humanitarian responders worldwide. Dashboard V1 was developed in collaboration with H2H Network member CartONG.

  • Floods in Libya

    Floods in Libya

    • When October 2023 - February 2024
    • Where Libya


    Following the catastrophic floods in Libya, the H2H Network has activated its fund to support the humanitarian response to the affected population. The funding is enabling five H2H Members to provide services to fill gaps and improve the response to better meet humanitarian needs. The package of services will address security and safety measurements, rapid needs assessments, communication and engagement with affected people, and access to information.

    Amount funded
  • Conflict escalation in Sudan

    Conflict escalation in Sudan

    • When June 2023 - October 2023
    • Where Sudan


    Following the consequences of the rapid conflict escalation in Sudan, the H2H Network is activating its fund mechanism to enable six members to provide support services to the humanitarian response in the affected region. These services address issues related to security and safety, rapid needs assessments, communication and engagement with affected communities, and access to information.

  • Earthquakes in Türkiye-Syria

    Earthquakes in Türkiye-Syria

    • When April 2023 - August 2023
    • Where Türkiye and Syria


    The H2H Network has activated its fund to strengthen the humanitarian response to the earthquakes that hit southeast Türkiye and northwest Syria in February 2023. The funds will enable network members to address key gaps in the response, supporting engineers in reconstruction, resilient healthcare systems, data on the communication and engagement ecosystem, quality and accountability standards, and information on the needs of affected communities.

    H2H Network response

    Category of need
    Detail of service
    Service providers
    Logistics and programme support

    Supporting earthquake affected healthcare facilities in northwest Syria by repairing medical equipment locally. Assisting healthcare and technical staff in the maintenance of medical devices to ensure their functionality

    Field Ready

    İmadeddin Özcan,

    Community engagement & accountability

    Providing contextual data on information, communication and dialogue. Improving responders’ ability to include affected people in decision making, engage with all stakeholders in planning, identification and mitigation of risk, and supporting communication infrastructure recovery.

    CDAC Network: Rosie Jackson,

    CLEAR Global: Alyssa Boularès,  

    Insecurity Insight: Christina Wille,

    Enhancing data and information sharing among Syrian actors, including Syrian diaspora organizations and national NGOs, as well as between local and international humanitarian actors. Enhancing knowledge by documenting the role of diaspora in the response and the DEMAC coordination model through an after-action and real-time review.

    DEMAC: Béatrice Mauconduit,

    Completion of a scoping mission to embed perception work in the response processes from an early stage and design a longterm mixed-methods perceptions tracking approach. Conducting qualitative research to inform the response with the views of affected people and frontline workers.

    Ground Truth Solution: Finn Blair,

    Informing short and long term response measures to communicate the needs of affected communities by sharing their stories and amplifying their voices.

    The New Humanitarian: Jijo Vadukoot,

    Quality & professionalisation

    Supporting the operational post-earthquake response in Türkiye to deliver aid that meets quality and accountability standards in line with the Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS).

    CHS Alliance: Geneviève Cyvoct,

    Empowering engineers to provide safe, effective and suitable support to the humanitarian response in northwest Syria, as well as strengthening locally led training initiatives and on-ground engineering training capacity.

    RedR UK: Katie Bitten,

    Mohammed Bashein,

    Amount funded by FCDO and DEC
  • H2H Network innovation accelerator

    H2H Network innovation accelerator

    • When December 2022 - March 2023
    • Where Global


    The H2H Network has activated its fund mechanism to support members in developing new services aiming at unlocking change and driving improvements across the wider humanitarian system. Three H2H Members will receive financial support and guidance on how to bring their innovations to scale. Projects include a data hosting system that enables the simple and effective management of multiple datasets, an initiative supporting humanitarian actors to adapt their interventions to the climate crisis, and a tool supporting localized production and procurement in humanitarian action.

    H2H Network response

    Category of need
    Detail of service
    Service providers
    Security, logistics and programme support

    Developing a new tool to enable aid agencies to better support local markets and businesses through a local procurement learning framework.

    Humanitarian Logistics Association

    George Fenton,

    Data, information management and analysis

    Developing a data management solution to offer an application builder to enable humanitarian organisations to manage the whole data cycle with only one integrative tool.

    Relief Applications

    Julio Melon,

    Cecilia Pana,

    Quality and sector professionalization

    Developing solutions to enhance the impact and implementation of their climate and humanitarian crisis initiative, ADAPT, dedicated to improving preparedness and response to environmental related disasters.

    Groupe URD

    Véronique de Geoffroy,

    Paul Knox Clarke,

    Amount funded
  • Drought in the Horn of Africa

    Drought in the Horn of Africa

    • When November 2022 - January 2023
    • Where Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya


    In response to drought and severe food insecurity in the Horn of Africa, the H2H Network has activated its fund mechanism to support humanitarian efforts in Ethiopia, Somalia, and Kenya. Seven H2H Network members will provide broad-ranging services aimed at increasing the accessibility and quality of information and communication, providing remote sensing and anticipatory analysis, building community engagement and accountability, supporting capacity strengthening programmes, food deliveries and drought alert systems.

    H2H Network response

    Category of need
    Detail of service
    Service providers
    Security, logistics and programme support

    Building NGO capacity to mitigate challenges in food delivery. The project develops an understanding of how conflict dynamics put aid delivery and staff at risk and how prediction and mitigation strategies can strengthen the acceptance of aid interventions.

    Insecurity Insight

    Christina Wille,

    Improving the accessibility and quality of information on the drought’s impact on the Kenyan population while providing remote sensing and regional analysis across the drought-affected areas in the Horn of Africa. This will support informed evidence-based decision-making for humanitarian stakeholders.

    IMPACT Initiatives (REACH)

    Pieter De Schepper,

    Giovanni ZAGARELLA,

    Setting up a pilot groundwater monitoring programme at critical water sources across the Horn of Africa. The project aims to support drought alert systems which is key to understanding what resources are available and how they are being impacted by abstraction and climate.

    Groundwater Relief

    Geraint Burrows,

    Quality and sector professionalization

    Supporting effective, local drought response and resilience of affected populations through a capacity strengthening programme in Kenya and Somalia, together with the local partner Somali Lifeline Organization. Over 130 stakeholders will be supported in areas such as drought management and resilience planning, gender-sensitive responses, and community engagement.

    RedR UK

    Katie Bitten,

    Community engagement and accountability

    Working with REACH to make language and communication data available for targeted humanitarian assistance and engagement of marginalized language communities in Somalia. Guidance on communicating across dialects of Somali, based on consultation with experts on the Somali languages and society in collaboration with Minority Rights Group International will also be developed.

    CLEAR Global

    Ellie Kemp,

    Providing technical support to strengthen collective solutions to challenges in communication, community engagement, and accountability (CCEA) in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia. The capacity of CDAC will be formally seconded to the regional Accountability to Affected People (AAP) working group while supporting the protection working group to catalyze change in the response.

    CDAC Network

    Rosie Jackson,

    Marian Casey-Maslen,

    Data, information management and analysis

    Providing analysis of the current situation of the drought in the Horn of Africa and providing anticipatory analysis of the likely future impacts of the drought in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia.


    Helene Lafferty Smith,

    Amount funded from UK aid
    Amount funded from U.S. Agency for International Development
  • Flooding in Pakistan

    Flooding in Pakistan

    • When October 2022 - March 2023
    • Where Pakistan


    In response to the devastating floods in Pakistan, the H2H Network has activated its fund mechanism to strengthen the humanitarian response in the country. The H2H funding will enable four specialised network members to provide services addressing gaps in inclusion, information management and analysis as well as community engagement and accountability.

    H2H Network response

    Category of need
    Detail of service
    Service providers
    Community engagement and accountability

    Improving the evidence basis for language-aware community engagement and accountability. This will be done by making language data more accessible, supporting the collection and analysis of new data, and testing comprehension of existing information and terminology.

    CLEAR Global

    Ellie Kemp,

    Ensuring that older people and persons with disabilities have improved access to life-saving assistance and increased resilience. This will be done by strengthening local-level capacity through providing training to humanitarian actors, including organisations of persons with disabilities and district administrations.

    HelpAge International

    Anwar Sadat,

    Producing and disseminating life-saving content and in-depth reports on the floods via radio stations, online media, television, print and social media across the country. This includes communication between the affected population, humanitarian aid workers and accountable authorities.

    Fondation Hirondelle

    Julie Godignon,

    Quality and sector professionalization

    Strengthening local response capacity as well as building resilience and promoting disaster risk reduction. This will be done by providing online training modules to improve the effectiveness of the response. The data collected will contribute to RedR UK Proof of Concept on its emergency response approach.

    RedR UK

    Katie Bitten,

    Richard Dietrich,

    Amount funded
  • Haiti: Strengthening the humanitarian response, building on local capacities

    Haiti: Strengthening the humanitarian response, building on local capacities

    • When September 2021 - January 2022
    • Where Haiti


    Following the 7.2-magnitude earthquake that struck southern Haiti on 14 August, the H2H Network activated its fund to provide rapid funding for member agencies to strengthen the humanitarian response, building on local capacities, knowledge, and expertise. Seven specialized H2H Network member agencies are running 6 projects to support strategic security decision-making, mapping, AAP mechanisms (Accountability to Affected Populations), community dialogue and communication.

    H2H Network response

    Category of need
    Detail of service
    Service providers
    Community engagement and accountability

    Providing operational agencies working in response to the recent earthquake with actionable recommendations based on feedback from the affected population. Focusing on the most hit areas of Nippes, Sud, and Grand Anse, GTS will seek both quantitative and qualitative feedback from affected people in the region to enable responders to be accountable to the communities they seek to serve.

    Ground Truth Solutions

    Embedding the Haiti earthquake emergency response into existing systems for community dialogue and communication to enhance accountability.

    CDAC Network, Translators Without Borders

    Independent reporting that informs response measures to the recent earthquake and overlapping crises in Haiti and represents diverse local voices in assessing need and response, communicating on-the-ground initiatives and needs to Haitian and international audiences.

    The New Humanitarian

    Strengthening local response capacity in the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake, RedR UK will provide training to improve the effectiveness of the response, ensuring the most vulnerable can access life-saving assistance, as well as increasing resilience.

    RedR UK

    Security, logistics and programme support

    Providing aid-sector tailored predictive situation analysis to support aid agencies’ strategic security decision-making on operations in Haiti and enable better access to beneficiaries. The information will be publicly available on various platforms such as Reliefweb, the Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) website and the Insecurity Insight and H2H Network websites.

    Insecurity Insight

    HOT will crowdsource strategic open data sets to improve Haitian’s ability to respond to the 7.2 Earthquake there by increasing their community resilience and wellbeing. Supported by HOT’s activities, the local operational partner, COSMHANNE will leverage its volunteer capacity to collect data, map affected areas, and enhance remote mapping by incorporating local knowledge.

    Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

    £ 246k
    Amount funded
  • oPt: Short-term technical support in the recovery period

    oPt: Short-term technical support in the recovery period

    • When June - Sept 2021
    • Where Occupied Palestinian Territories


    Following humanitarian need resulting from the escalation of hostilities between Israeli and Palestinian armed groups in Gaza between 10 and 21 May 2021, the H2H Network activated its fund to provide rapid funding for member agencies to strengthen the humanitarian response with short-term technical support.

    H2H Network response

    Category of need
    Detail of service
    Service providers
    Data and information

    Support analysis of humanitarian needs resulting from the crisis in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.


    Security, logistics and programme support

    IHP will equip humanitarian actors in Gaza and the West Bank with donated medical supplies, enabling doctors and medical staff at local health facilities to provide approximately 16,600 people with high-quality care.

    International Health Partners (IHP)

    Amount funded
  • Tigray II: Keep strengthening the humanitarian response with technical services

    Tigray II: Keep strengthening the humanitarian response with technical services

    • When June - August 2021
    • Where Ethiopia and Sudan


    In May 2021, the H2H Network has activated its fund to keep strengthening the humanitarian response in the Tigray region of Ethiopia and neighbouring Sudan. Three specialized H2H member agencies will support multilateral processes in the region with technical services, tools and products; including security incident data analysis, nutrition assessment and capacity building, and community engagement and accountability (CEA) surge support.

    H2H Network response

    Category of need
    Detail of service
    Service providers
    Community engagement and accountability

    Responding to the urgent need of service providers and working groups requiring support for better community engagement and accountability (CEA) coordination in Sudan’s Tigray refugee response. Enhancing coordination efforts in CEA and providing community engagement training with a common set of tools for all refugee response actors.

    CDAC Network

    Quality and sector professionalization

    Working with the Nutrition Information Working Group (NIWG) to produce high quality nutrition data and build the capacity of partners to assess the nutrition situation in the Tigray region of Ethiopia.

    The Global Nutrition Cluster Technical Alliance’s Technical Support Team (TST)

    Security, logistics and programme support

    Supporting data sharing and analysis of security incidents from partner agencies active in Ethiopia. Making insights available for the whole aid sector in the form of situation analysis and direct access to data.

    Insecurity Insight

    Amount funded
  • Tigray: Needs assessment and analysis

    Tigray: Needs assessment and analysis

    • When January - March 2021
    • Where Ethiopia and Sudan


    The H2H Network activated its fund in response to a growing humanitarian emergency in the Tigray region of Ethiopia and neighbouring Sudan. Four specialized H2H member agencies will provide needs assessments and on-demand analytical services in support of the wider response.

    H2H Network response

    Category of need
    Detail of service
    Service providers
    Community Engagement and Accountability

    Provide a Senior National Community Engagement and Accountability Coordinator as surge support to the humanitarian response for refugees in Sudan.

    CDAC Network

    Data and Information Management

    Provide on-demand analytical products and needs assessment through a methodology based on both secondary and remote primary data collection where information gaps are identified.

    Provide information management services to organizations conducting assessments in Tigray (support for data collection, data management and visualization).

    The services are freely available for humanitarian responders active in Tigray (OCHA, clusters, local, national and international NGOs).


    Conduct a rapid assessment to identify language barriers and needs to inform the refugee response in Sudan; Support partners’ assessments on language and communication preferences in the affected region to inform multilateral processes across the response.

    Support Complaints and Feedback Mechanisms; Provide language training and guidance on data collection and accountability for staff to help improve referral and registration processes; Develop a glossary of key terms in relevant languages to support communication with affected people on both sides of the border.

    Translators without Borders

    Support analysis of humanitarian needs resulting from the conflict in Northern Ethiopia.


  • H2H Network: Get Ready Fund

    H2H Network: Get Ready Fund

    • When December 2020 -- May 2021
    • Where Global


    The H2H Network has activated its new “Get Ready Fund”, aiming to support members to develop processes, systems and services allowing them to respond faster and more effectively to crises in 2021 and beyond. Six member agencies who specialize in community engagement and accountability; quality and sector professionalization; and data and information management, will implement projects focused on anticipation and adaptation.

    H2H Network response

    Category of need
    Detail of service
    Service providers
    Data and information

    Design and develop a ready-to-roll-out learning path “MEAL CHS - Quality and Accountability in practice” to be delivered online to field-based staff to help them implement Quality and Accountability commitments in crisis response.

    CartONG / Groupe URD

    Security, logistics and programme support

    ‘Humanitarian Making’ for Everyone – a Mobile App. The humanitarian system’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic has seen many aid agencies – international and local – start to make their own aid supplies such as PPE, or find new ways to support local stakeholders to produce these supplies. Field Ready will develop and publish its procedures and tools for the local production of appropriate quality aid supplies, based on its years of innovation and learning in this emerging space. The app will help everyone, anywhere to get ready for the next humanitarian emergency by helping them to make aid supplies – and to do it well.

    Field Ready

    Community engagement and accountability

    Building bridges in surge capacity for Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) by developing SOPs and tools for humanitarian responders, locally based individuals and companies experienced in CEA to act as centres of community engagement excellence and coordination.

    CDAC Network/ Translators without Borders

    Quality and sector professionalization

    Rapid Onset Localization Team (ROLT): a team of experienced regional experts and trainers fully trained, able to engage in their region on short notice, with access to a knowledge base and equipped with a series of short training modules aimed at incorporating local actors into humanitarian response.


  • Nagorno-Karabakh: Needs assessment support to inform the humanitarian response

    Nagorno-Karabakh: Needs assessment support to inform the humanitarian response

    • When November and December 2020
    • Where Syunik and Yerevan, Armenia; Remote


    The H2H Network has activated its fund in response to a growing humanitarian emergency in the region of Nagorno-Karabakh. Two member agencies who specialize in assessments will focus on collecting information on the needs of displaced people, aiming to inform and strengthen the wider humanitarian response. First assessments will be available by early December.

    H2H Network response

    Category of need
    Detail of service
    Service providers
    Data and information

    Survey of surveys database; Joint rapid needs assessment tool; Rapid needs assessment on spontaneous arrivals and host populations of Syunik.

    Impact Initiatives/ REACH

    Detailed update of the

    ACAPS short note, originally published on 11 October 2020, available by early December.


    Amount funded
  • Vanuatu: Strengthening local response during the pandemic

    Vanuatu: Strengthening local response during the pandemic

    • When May- August 2020
    • Where Vanuatu, South Pacific


    Category-5 Cyclone Harold struck Vanuatu on 6 April while the island nation was under restrictions to limit exposure to Covid-19. International flights to bring in support and services were highly limited. A local response was necessary. H2H Network members often work directly with local responders. In the case of Vanuatu, several members were already present in the country, ready to back up the local response with their skills and services.

    H2H Network response

    Category of need
    Detail of service
    Service providers
    Security, logistics and programme support

    Increase access to improved WASH facilities and information on safe WASH practices, including Covid-19 prevention.

    Field Ready

    Community engagement and accountability

    Provision of life-saving information ranging from shelter, food and water and protection issues around Covid-19.

    CDAC Network

    Amount funded
  • Covid-19 II: Supporting global-yet-local efforts to fight the pandemic

    Covid-19 II: Supporting global-yet-local efforts to fight the pandemic

    • When May 2020 – January 2021
    • Where Global and regional, with a focus on countries with less resilient healthcare systems


    By March 2020, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the humanitarian sector was growing in every corner of the world. International projects were halted, local responders were often left without support. The technical skills and services of members in the H2H Network were needed – and in many cases, they could be delivered remotely. The second activation of the H2H Fund to address the Covid-19 pandemic is the most comprehensive service package to date.

    H2H Network response

    Category of need
    Detail of service
    Service providers
    Data and information management

    Provide global and context specific analysis to guide the scale-up and reorientation of humanitarian action in response to the pandemic


    Improve the impact and quality of the Covid-19 response by answering humanitarian agencies’ needs in terms of adapting their IM and M and E activities


    Library of collated, summarized and up-to-date research on the effectiveness of interventions to treat, manage and mitigate the impact of the pandemic.

    Evidence Aid

    Match unmet data needs from government and NGOs with local experts and supporting the design and execution of targeted data collection efforts.

    Humanitarian OpenStreetMap

    Provide geospatial, data and IM support to those agencies who are key to effective Covid-19 response among the world's most vulnerable communities.


    Communications and community engagement

    Keeping ahead of the Covid-19 impact curve in ongoing and emerging disasters using adaptive communication and community engagement approaches.

    CDAC Network

    Access to vital information about the pandemic.

    Fondation Hirondelle

    Perceptions of a pandemic: Strengthening the quality and relevance of the Covid-19 global response through community input.

    Ground Truth Solutions

    Media coverage of the impact of and response to the Covid-19 pandemic in crisis zones.

    The New Humanitarian

    Quality and sector professionalization

    Mentor and coach local NGOs: Capacity building for organizational  adjustment and Covid-19 response.

    Humanitarian Academy for Development

    Remote online facilitated training.

    RedR UK

    Build the capacity of humanitarian actors on relevant humanitarian standards for the Covid-19 response.


    Security, logistics and programme support

    Monitor Covid-19 related aid security events to help aid agencies adjust their security risk strategies and to highlight the specific risks faced by mainly local health workers.

    Insecurity Insight

    Optimize the efficiency of the humanitarian supply chain.


    Amount funded
  • Covid I: Responding to the Covid-19 info-demic

    Covid I: Responding to the Covid-19 info-demic

    • When February – June 2020
    • Where Asia-Pacific and global


    On 30 January 2020, the World Health Organization declared the novel coronavirus (yet unnamed) a public health emergency of international concern and listed six priority activities to control the spread. Chief among them was combatting the misinformation and disinformation around the growing crisis – the WHO referred to it as the ‘info-demic’. The H2H Network immediately recognized the need to offer the skills of its communications, community engagement and information management members.

    The collective goal was to analyse information gaps and develop evidence-based content to address them in relevant languages, formats, and channels. The result was a regular and extensive programme of information, guidance, and training based on scientific evidence, tailored to local needs and delivered in local languages.

    H2H Network response

    Category of need
    Detail of service
    Service providers
    Community engagement and accountability

    Library of relevant and current scientific research on Covid-19.

    Evidence Aid

    Trusted, accurate and multi-lingual media and communication content (TV, radio, digital) to address the global spread of false information.

    BBC Media Action

    Social media monitoring, rumour tracking media and community engagement activities.


    Data-driven language support to combat misinformation related to the coronavirus.

    Translators without Borders

    Amount funded
  • Burkina Faso II: Strengthening the humanitarian response

    Burkina Faso II: Strengthening the humanitarian response

    • When March – December 2020
    • Where Burkina Faso


    In late 2019, H2H Network members began scoping and assessing need in Burkina Faso, funded through the network’s first activation. Their findings were reinforced by network’s humanitarian advisor who deployed in January 2020 and met with UN agencies, government and international and local NGOs. The need was clear: The network should further fund members to strengthen humanitarian coordination and support the newly established cluster activation in anticipation of a surge in internally displaced people in the spring. Projects within the funded package were intended to:

    • Provide services that reinforce existing coordination, information management and community engagement/accountability.
    • Give responders access to training and best practices in humanitarian principles, quality, standards, and Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.

    H2H Network response

    Category of need
    Detail of service
    Service providers
    Community engagement and accountability

    Community engagement mapping and gap analysis; community engagement coordination

    CDAC Network

    Perception surveying to assess community perspectives of the response and guide programming

    Ground Truth Solutions

    Field reporting and interviews with local actors and affected communities

    The New Humanitarian

    Quality and professionalization

    In-country training on humanitarian standards


    Data and information

    Set up of an information and analysis unit​ in coordination with UN OCHA


    Amount funded
  • Burkina Faso I: Providing technical services

    Burkina Faso I: Providing technical services

    • When December 2019 – March 2020
    • Where Burkina Faso


    In the second half of 2019, residents of the northern region of Burkina Faso began to experience violence and rebel insurgency. People let their homes for safety. Long an area of development programming, the region now needed humanitarian focus and skills to support displaced people. The UN cluster system was quickly established, but more support was needed. The H2H Fund was quickly activated to scope needs; within a month, five members were assessing how to reinforce the coordination and information management structures and how to provide training on humanitarian standards, and protection from sexual exploitation and abuse.

  • DRC: Supporting the Ebola response

    DRC: Supporting the Ebola response

    • When August 2019 – January 2020
    • Where Democratic Republic of the Congo


    In August 2019, the H2H Network activated its fund to support members providing services to responders of the Ebola crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo). One year into the crisis, the need was still great. In May, the UN had sent a special envoy to strengthen the response; in July WHO warned that the outbreak was still current.

    The network’s service package consisted of the projects that could:
    ·      Increase the level of trust community members have in the response

    ·       Improve coordination, information management and sharing

    H2H Network response

    Category of need
    Detail of service
    Service providers
    Data and information

    Electronic medical records system for Ebola treatment centres.

    Humanitarian OpenStreetMap (remote support)

    Security, logistics and programme support

    Analysis and operational security information on attacks on healthcare centres and workers including monthly security news briefs.

    Insecurity Insight

    Community engagement and accountability

    Collection and response to rumours concerns and other community issues through channels trusted by the community.


    Field reporting and interviews with local actors and affected communities; analysis of the humanitarian response and the local perspective.

    The New Humanitarian

    Local language support for community engagement and data collection activities.

    Translators without Borders

    Amount funded
  • Mozambique: Supporting the response to Cyclone Idai

    Mozambique: Supporting the response to Cyclone Idai

    • When April – June 2019
    • Where Mozambique


    The network’s new fund was not yet operational when Cyclone Idai hit Mozambique on 14 March 2019. However, given the scale of the emergency and the need for specialized technical support for the response, the fund used its interim processes to deliver a package of services. The network’s activation of its service package happened exactly one week later with funding for five members to focus on mapping, information management and community engagement.

    H2H Network response

    Category of need
    Detail of service
    Service providers
    Data and information

    Data collection, base map data, daily updates (supporting all IM officers and OCHA IM team).

    Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)

    Independent and daily situation analysis for entire response, daily briefing notes on needs.

    ACAPS (remote and in-field)

    Community Engagement

    Coordination across response (in cooperation with OCHA), CE assessment, language support (focus on local languages).

    CDAC Network and Translators without Borders

    Security, logistics and programme support

    Detailed analysis of logistics vulnerabilities; access opening in Beira; rubble management (in cooperation with logistics cluster and World Food Programme).

    Atlas Logistique

    Amount funded