About us

Catalysts for change.

H2H Network is driving change across the humanitarian system, getting more to people in need, by coordinating and convening humanitarian-to-humanitarian support and services.

We believe it’s time to do things differently. Protracted crises, climate change, urban need and fragility are the new normal. The existing humanitarian system simply wasn’t built to cope.

We envisage a new humanitarian action. We want to see a system capable of meeting today’s challenges, preparing for and developing resilience to those on the horizon. People affected by conflict and disaster want and need us to do better.

Our mission is to enable and catalyze change in the wider humanitarian system, driving efficiency, accountability and impact. We support, strengthen and – where necessary – challenge major players and traditional ways of working.

About page heads

What we do

The H2H Network brings together high-quality, independent humanitarian service providers. Members’ specializations fall into four categories: Data and information management; community engagement and accountability; security, logistics and programme support; and quality and sector professionalization. All bring cross-cutting technical expertise in service of the broader humanitarian sector. All are ready to adapt and collaborate in new ways when faced with humanitarian crises that are more frequent, more complex, and affect more people. Learn more >

The H2H Fund is a new way of financing humanitarian action, aiming to disburse funds quickly and kick-start recovery. It is available to network members. When the network funds a package of services for humanitarian response, they are open source and available to all. Learn more >

Experience and evidence tell us that this new approach has the potential to support the shift to locally led responses, improve quality, reduce duplication and drive innovation by introducing new options and perspectives.

Humanitarian services

  • Data, information management and analysis

  • Community engagement and accountability

  • Quality and sector professionalization

  • Security, logistics and programme support

History of the network

The H2H Network developed in 2016 as a concept and a place for independent and typically small humanitarian service providers to discuss common challenges and solutions. It officially launched at the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul and grew over the next three years, increasing the membership and convening regularly. The network’s first coordinated technical service package was deployed in the Caribbean in 2017, in support of the humanitarian response to hurricane Irma. In 2019, a core team was established to professionalize the network structure, administer the network’s new fund for members, and develop tools and services for members.

The H2H Board

The H2H Board provides strategic leadership to advance the mission, values, strategies, goals, priorities, and policies of the network.

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    Karin Maasel

    Executive Director, Data Friendly Space - Chair of the Board

    Karin Maasel is the Executive Director of Data Friendly Space (DFS), an international NGO with the mission to ensure reliable data and responsible technology fuel humanitarian and development organizations. Karin has spent 15 years working with humanitarian organizations such as Save the Children and Finn Church Aid in the Horn of Africa, the Pacific and the Middle East. Prior to joining Data Friendly Space, she served as the Head of Africa Department at the Estonian Centre for International Development.

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    Monica Blagescu

    Independent Consultant - Deputy Chair of the Board

    Living in Nairobi, Monica currently leads the British Council’s work on education, innovation and entrepreneurship. She is also a member of the UK’s Humanitarian and Stabilisation Operations Team implemented by Palladium. Amongst other roles for NGOs and bilateral donors, Monica was previously Director of Programmes at the UK’s Disasters Emergency Committee and Director of the Ethiopia-Canada Cooperation Office. Since her earlier UNHCR days, Monica has been involved in various initiatives to improve the quality and effectiveness of humanitarian action, promoting community voice, accountability to crisis-affected populations, and resilience.

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    Manisha Thomas

    Independent Consultant - Independent Board Member

    Manisha Thomas is an independent consultant and the (part-time) Women’s Refugee Commission’s Geneva Representative. With over 20 years of experience in the humanitarian sector, she has worked in different networks and coordination bodies (NGO and inter-agency), including on quality and accountability initiatives and issues. Manisha has a strong understanding of humanitarian action and the challenges facing it.

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    Volker Hüls

    Head of Division for Effectiveness, Knowledge and Learning - Danish Refugee Council H2H Host Representative

    Volker has represented the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) as the host agency since November 2020 at the H2H Board. Based in the DRC headquarters, Volker Hüls is globally responsible for several cross-cutting themes, including Monitoring and Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning. With over twenty years in humanitarian organizations, including in the UN, and later working as a consultant specializing in evaluating larger humanitarian responses, Volker brings a diverse perspective on the humanitarian system, its opportunities and challenges to the board.

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    Christina Wille

    Director, Insecurity Insight - Membership Representative

    Christina Wille founded Insecurity Insight, which examines threats facing people living and working in dangerous environments by using innovative data collection and analysis methods. Before this, she worked as a senior researcher at the Small Arms Survey in Geneva, completed a two-year diplomatic training programme by the European Commission in Slovenia and worked for UNHCR in Bangkok. Originally from Germany, Christina studied at Durham and Cambridge in the United Kingdom and became a Swiss citizen in 2019.

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    Mary Ana McGlasson

    Executive Director, Centre for Humanitarian Leadership - Membership Representative

    Mary Ana McGlasson’s humanitarian experience covers a range of contexts in Africa, Asia-Pacific and the Middle East, in roles including Country Director, Global Emergency Response Coordinator and Global Health Advisor. She has designed and managed humanitarian programmes including epidemic response; conflict, post-conflict, and refugee health systems; emergency WASH-related services for refugees and IDPs; natural disaster response; and community-based peacebuilding. Mary Ana has held leadership roles at MSF, Relief International, GOAL, Mercy Corps and now as Executive Director at the Centre for Humanitarian Leadership.

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    Meg Sattler

    CEO, Ground Truth Solutions - Membership Representative

    Meg leads Ground Truth Solutions, which aims to ensure crisis-affected people have a say in humanitarian action. She spent most of her career working to improve accountability to people in crisis from different angles, in Haiti, Pakistan, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Nepal, and more recently in global policy, holding advisory roles at UN OCHA, WFP, the Start Network and more. Meg sits on several boards, including the Core Humanitarian Standard Alliance, Danish Emergency Relief Fund and Bendigo Community Bank, and has advised many high-level processes on accountability and humanitarian reform. Within the H2H network, she is specifically interested in how non-traditional actors can support more accountable aid and systems reform.

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    Caroline Vuillemin

    Director, Fondation Hirondelle - Membership Representative

    Caroline Vuillemin has been Director of Fondation Hirondelle since January 2017 with the effort of building connections between humanitarian and media actors, hence her interest in the work of H2H. Prior to Fondation Hirondelle, she worked for IFES in election support. Caroline holds a Bachelor's degree from the Institute of Political Studies in Lyon, France, and a degree in International Relations from Georgetown University in Washington, DC.

The H2H Team

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    Kim Scriven

    Executive Director

    Kim has close to 15 years’ experience in the humanitarian sector, with an emphasis on how to fund and foster system-level change, innovation, and improvement. Kim was co-founder of the Humanitarian Innovation Fund and played a leading role in establishing the innovation agenda withing the humanitarian sector. He joins H2H from the Red Cross Movement, where he led a joint IFRC-ICRC pooled-fund supporting National Societies to increase their financial sustainability and humanitarian impact.

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    Alice Darcq

    Head of Finance and Operations

    As the head of operations, Alice oversees finance, HR, grants, risks, and compliance management. While enabling sustainable network growth, she is also streamlining day-to-day decision-making and workflows for more agile project management processes. With more than 10 years of experience in audit and finance, she has mainly worked for national and international NGOs. Based in the mountains, Alice is always on the hunt for a new fondue recipe!

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    Emmanuel Tronc

    Head of Outreach and Engagement

    Emmanuel has worked in the humanitarian sector since the 1990s and brings extensive experience in conflict settings, medical emergency response and networking, stakeholder engagement, and dialogue with state and non-state actors. Working at MSF for two decades, he served as the Head of Mission in numerous countries and led humanitarian diplomacy initiatives at the International Office before becoming the Humanitarian Advocacy and Representation Coordinator. Most recently, he worked as a Senior Humanitarian Advisor at the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, focusing on humanitarian negotiation in frontline contexts and the experiences of local NGOs in humanitarian access.

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    Yannick Creoff

    H2H Fund Coordinator

    Yannick Creoff coordinates the H2H Fund, the financing mechanism which resources the network’s membership in support of the operational needs in the wider system. Yannick has experience in both emergencies and protracted crises, having worked in conflict contexts such as Iraq, Libya, South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. His background and main area of expertise is protection, including first-hand knowledge of the humanitarian coordination system as a Protection Cluster Co-Coordinator.

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    Julia Griffiths

    Finance & Compliance Officer

    Julia is ensuring H2H resources by managing fund grant agreements and supporting the network's finance. Julia is our expert in problem-solving and has a wide range of experience in finance and technical solutions in corporate, NGO, and small business settings. In addition, for over 18 years people benefitted from her passion to improve physical and mental health through her fitness training and wellness coaching. In her free time, you’ll most likely find her on a bike in the Swiss mountains.

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    Hanna Sjödin

    Network Communications Officer

    Hanna supports the network’s internal and external communication. She has an academic background in Crisis Management and International Cooperation focusing on communication. After many years in Nepal, working to support victims of human exploitation and with relief work, Hanna founded an organisation aiming to empower Nepalese women. Before joining the H2H Network, she worked at the EU’s Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations. Hanna is happiest in the mountains, whether she is skiing, rock climbing or biking.


  • Fund activations


    H2H Fund activations for humanitarian response

  • Collaboration


    Percentage of members who report collaborating with other members

  • Funds spent


    Funds spent to date

  • Network


    network members


The H2H Network and the H2H Fund are supported by UK aid, USAID, Sida and the Disasters Emergency Committee, and hosted by the Danish Refugee Council (DRC).